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Photovoltaics by ENERTRAG

With 11 years' experience in photovoltaic energy, ENERTRAG has all the in-house skills needed to develop and build a photovoltaic park. It has obtained administrative authorizations for 70 MWp projects, of which 55 MWp are currently in production.

At the same time, dedicated teams are in charge of park operation, maintenance and related services (24/7 monitoring, failure anticipation, performance studies).

ENERTRAG develops projects with a variety of players


Enhance the value of your assets

Benefit from a fixed, regular rent for at least 30 years



Modernize your image and reduce your electricity bill

Take advantage of your unused land

Participate in the evolution of the energy mix

Receive a fixed annual rent



Contribute to the national energy effort

Enhance the value of your unused or run-down land

Support the local economy

Benefit from a new source of income


ENERTRAG develops different types of projects

Ground-mounted power plants

Make the most of degraded land (quarries, derelict, polluted sites, wasteland, landfill sites, etc.) or land to be urbanized, and convert it to generate electricity.

From 2 hectares



Install a solar power plant on your agricultural or natural land while continuing to use it. Particularly suitable for sheep farming, beekeeping and high value-added production.

From 10 hectares


Parking lot canopies

Improve user comfort by protecting parked vehicles from the elements and heat. Compatible with electric charging solutions.

From 5000 m² upwards


Photovoltaic roofs

Equip your roof with solar panels, whatever its characteristics (flat, sloped, tarred, etc.).

From 5000 m² upwards

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ENERTRAG, your partner at every stage of your project

ENERTRAG teams are present throughout the entire project life cycle.
From the very first discussions right through to the end of a park's operation, ENERTRAG remains the single point of contact to facilitate all exchanges.

Prospecting and studies

Site identification and consideration of natural and environmental criteria

Meetings with landowners and local authorities

First land agreements

Launch of environmental studies (ecology, landscape)

Appraisal, authorization and financing

Preparation and submission of building permit

Follow-up of the application and public inquiry

Bank negotiations, equity financing, participatory financing

Securing feed-in tariffs

Construction and commissioning

Consultation of local companies

Site management, planning and monitoring

Assembly of structures, panels and inverters

Connection to grid operators

Commissioning of the wind farm and injection of the first kWh into the public electricity grid

Operation and maintenance of the park throughout its lifetime

Dismantling and complete restoration of the site

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PV Uckermark_ Enertrag LR-92.jpg

Our photovoltaic references

See all our references

ENERTRAG commits ...

... to respect the environment

ENERTRAG is committed to the complete dismantling of the solar power plant.

Special attention to fauna, flora and landscape

Photovoltaic panels are collected and recycled by the eco-organization SOREN at a rate of 94.7%.

... in your area

Projects that respect the local environment

Maximum involvement of elected representatives and local residents

Regular communication and consultation

Use of local companies at all stages of the project

... for the smooth operation of our facilities

Dedicated 24/7 park operation teams

Maintenance of associated services

ENERTRAG operates 149 MWp of photovoltaic capacity in France

ENERTRAG projects are subject to a responsible and sustainable approach



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