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Battery storage Tantow

Balancing fluctuations, stabilising the grid


The Tantow battery storage facility is a pioneering project for the energy transition and makes a key contribution to stabilising the electricity grid. A high-performance storage solution with an output of 60 MW and a capacity of 120 MWh, consisting of 32 battery containers, 16 MV power blocks and 2 switchgear buildings, is being built on an area of around 1 hectare.

The storage facility balances out fluctuations in electricity generation from renewable energies, stores surplus energy and makes it available when needed. In this way, it improves grid stability and enables greater integration of renewable energies. Construction will begin in 2025 and commissioning is planned for early 2026. The Tantow battery storage facility will significantly boost the flexibility of the renewable energy supply.

Project profile
Tantow (Uckermark)
ca. 1 ha
Nominal Power: 
60 MW / 120 MWh
32 × 20’ battery containers, 16 MS power blocks,
2 switchgear buildings
« Depuis sa création, ENERTRAG considère l'hydrogène comme un élément essentiel pour une transition énergétique réussie. Avec le RefLau, nous allons montrer que la production d'électricité renouvelable peut être pérennisée et que la Lusace peut devenir une région modèle pour un changement structurel réussi. »

Dr. Gunar Hering

Membre du directoire d'ENERTRAG SE

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As an independent energy company, ENERTRAG generates electricity and heat exclusively from renewable sources and supplies secure, affordable renewable energy for all areas of life. With over 30 years of experience, ENERTRAG combines all the expertise required for successful operation and efficient maintenance, for citizen-centered planning, reliable construction of energy plants and grids through to complete integrated power plants. 

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Flagship projects

The goal: 100 percent fossil-free – worldwide. To achieve this, ENERTRAG is turning pioneering ideas into sustainable, viable solutions.

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