ENERTRAG is an independent producer of renewable energy and an expert in the management of controllable electrical systems.
ENERTRAG helps local authorities and businesses to meet their energy efficiency, economic and regional development needs in a sustainable way.
Whether in wind power, photovoltaics or hydrogen, ENERTRAG develops innovative projects in France, Germany and all over the world. As a single point of contact from project inception to the production of "green" electricity, ENERTRAG covers every stage of the energy production chain.
ENERTRAG develops and markets technologies and products that make wind power plants even more intelligent. Thanks to its experience, rigorous planning and meticulous development, ENERTRAG contributes to the achievement of European climate protection objectives and enables the profitable exploitation of wind resources.
ENERTRAG is a member of the France Renouvelables association, which represents all players in the French wind energy sector: wind farm developers, operators, manufacturers, equipment suppliers and design offices. The 325 member companies of France Renouvelables have built over 90% of the turbines installed in France, and operate over 85% of them.
ENERTRAG's vision
We are convinced that renewable energies are essential to meet the urgent challenges of climate change and to ensure a secure and sustainable energy supply for future generations. Enthusiastic and convinced, ENERTRAG employees work every day to develop renewable energy projects.
ENERTRAG places local issues at the heart of its projects, in a coherent and reasoned manner, based on an ethical approach of consultation. The ENERTRAG team includes engineers and experts in various disciplines, such as cartography, ecology, environment, urban planning, civil engineering, technical and economic/financial analysis and project management.
Wind power is indefinitely sustainable and clean, requiring no fuel and creating no greenhouse gases. It's a decentralized form of energy, closer to the consumer, and makes a major contribution to the energy mix that's essential to the energy transition and green growth.

ENERTRAG's vision is based on the deep conviction that renewable energies are part of the answer to current and future energy challenges. Our employees are driven by 3 core values on a daily basis:
Team spirit
Energy ahead
ENERTRAG develops and markets technologies and components that make its installations more intelligent. In this way, ENERTRAG not only ensures the smooth operation of its electrical installations, but also protects the interests of local residents and the environment.
We use the Powersystem to monitor data from our wind farms in real time. This renewable energy-specific software was developed by ENERTRAG and collects data from all the facilities we manage in operation.
Using this software, we ensure cross-border technical management of our wind turbines, and coordinate the international service and maintenance teams deployed at the various sites from our monitoring centers in Dury, France and Dauerthal, Germany.

An energy storage system
On April 21, 2009, German Chancellor Angela Merkel laid the foundation stone for the construction of the world's first industrial hybrid power plant. This technology will be a major step forward for the energy sector, enabling wind-generated electricity to be stored and fed into the grid as and when required.

How it works
Three wind turbines with a total output of 6 MW generate electricity. When these turbines produce more electricity than required, the 500kW electrolyzer uses the excess electricity to produce hydrogen. This is immediately stored. If the wind isn't blowing enough, or if energy demand is very high, it is mixed with biogas, which is produced locally and transformed into electricity and heat.

ENERTRAG in France
In France, ENERTRAG operates 537 MW in 44 wind farms, with a total of 233 turbines. Located in Neuville-sur-Oise, ENERTRAG employs 120 people at its French site, with dedicated teams covering much of France and agencies near Amiens, Dijon and Lyon.

ENERTRAG worldwide
ENERTRAG has already installed over 700 wind turbines, representing an annual production of almost 1.68 million MWh. ENERTRAG employs a total of over 1,100 people in 9 countries. The company is headquartered in Dauerthal, Germany. ENERTRAG offers a wide range of operation and maintenance services, both for its own account and for third parties.
From its first wind turbine in Germany in 1992 to the commissioning of a hybrid hydrogen power plant in 2011, ENERTRAG, with its total developed capacity of 1,800 MW, is a pioneer of an energy system in which renewable energies play an undeniable role in meeting the challenges of our time.