
Project development of ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk®

From securing land and financing to the systemic connection of components: ENERTRAG provides support in all matters relating to the development of a combined power plant.  

Realise large projects easily – with ENERTRAG.

ENERTRAG has many years of experience in project approval, close cooperation with authorities and always takes local characteristics into account in consensus with municipalities, landowners and locals.

The company sets high standards for the quality, planning and execution of the ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk®. Thanks to its many years of experience in the industry, ENERTRAG knows every development step in detail. Each ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® is carefully developed and supervised on site in close consultation with the client.

From an idea to reality: The project development of an ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk®

Putting an ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® into practice and connecting it to the grid is a challenging task that requires expertise from many disciplines. ENERTRAG knows every single step inside out and is a reliable partner throughout all project phases. Services range from securing land to technical planning, the various approval procedures to financing, construction and operation.

Securing land

A suitable area is the prerequisite for any successful energy project. ENERTRAG has the expert knowledge and uses an initial site assessment to transparently show which locations are suitable. Thanks to precise knowledge of the planning regions in Germany and Europe, ENERTRAG experts can provide a professional assessment of each project.

ENERTRAG knows what needs to be done to secure land, works in partnership with municipalities and land owners and increases local value creation. This means that not only industry and municipalities benefit: farmers can continue to use their land for agricultural purposes.


For the technical planning of an ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk®, ENERTRAG bundles all the necessary expertise under one roof. As an experienced and reliable project developer, ENERTRAG takes care of the entire technical planning: from the site-specific selection of primary energy to the planning of the grid infrastructure to the construction and operation of substations, battery and hydrogen storage systems, reconversion plants and control technology as well as grid connection points for electricity or hydrogen.


ENERTRAG offers many years of experience with large energy projects and all the national approval procedures required for them. ENERTRAG experts ensure the proper and rapid processing of all official requirements, taking into account local peculiarities and together with municipalities, residents and landowners. ENERTRAG also keeps an eye on issues such as species protection, shadows or volume.


Financing a large energy project requires in-depth expertise. ENERTRAG draws on 25 years of experience and stands as a reliable partner at the side of its investors. The responsible handling of invested capital is always a priority for ENERTRAG

In addition, ENERTRAG provides comprehensive advice on possible subsidies, financing concepts and loans.


Once the planning is complete, the construction phase can begin in a relaxed manner. This takes several years. During the implementation phase, local companies will be given preference in order to keep the added value in the region. ENERTRAG coordinates all trades and monitors the professional and timely completion. The important thing here is that the construction is carried out safely, socially justly, environmentally friendly and sustainably.


ENERTRAG operates professional and highly standardized energy plants – from individual plants to integrated power plants.

Efficiency and safety are the top priorities for all services. Our technical and commercial experts ensure the energy optimization of daily operations, service and maintenance as well as energy trading.


Different dimensions and constellations of an ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk®: three exemplary archetypes

From the regional supply of clean electricity to the delivery of green hydrogen or the production of climate-neutral aviation fuel: an ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® can take on different dimensions and have different compositions depending on the objective and geographical location.   

Archetype 1: All components - ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® in the Uckermark region

ENERTRAG has built the first prototype of a Verbundkraftwerk® in the Uckermark region in East Germany. It consists of all possible components for an ENERTRAG combined power plant:  

wind turbines




PV systems


battery storage

wind heat storage

hydrogen storage

hydrogen reconversion plant

power plant grid with transformer stations

transformer station for grid feed-in

hydrogen grid feed-in point

heat grid feed-in point

control room

Archetype 2: All components without heat extraction

The ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® can also be realised without heat extraction. In the Uckermark region, for example, the proportion of extracted wind heat is only small. Such an ENERTRAG combined power plant would consist of the following components:

wind turbines




PV systems


battery storage

hydrogen storage

hydrogen reconversion plant

power plant grid with transformer stations

transformer station for grid feed-in

hydrogen grid feed-in point

control room

Archetype 3: Green hydrogen as main product

ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® is a reliable supplier of green hydrogen. Implemented as non-public power plants, they can supply entire industrial parks – for example, to produce iron or hydrogen derivatives for other industries: methanol, ammonia or kerosene. The constellation with green hydrogen as the main product would include the following components:

wind turbines




PV systems


battery storage

hydrogen storage

hydrogen reconversion plant

power plant grid with transformer stations

control room

"50 ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerke® could cover half of the electricity required in Germany in the future."

Dr. Tobias Bischof-Niemz

ENERTRAG Board Member Projects International & Technology

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ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® completely replaces conventional power plants. They supply homes and whole regions with clean energy. Safe, predictable, in line with demand.

The prototype in the Uckermark

On 40 square kilometres in the Uckermark, the energy future has already begun. Here, the prototype of the ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® shows in practice that the systemic networking of individual components can completely replace conventional, fossil power plant sites. Modular, scalable and globally implementable. 


The ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk®

The prototype for clean energy supply 

nominal output from wind energy
of power lines in our own portfolio
battery storage
nominal output from solar energy

The ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® Uckermark in detail 

Learn more about the individual components of the ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® and gain insights into project planning, construction and operation. 


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The ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® supplies energy as reliably as conventional power plants - but clean and sustainable.

The ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® supplies energy as reliably as conventional power plants - but clean and sustainable.

The energy flow


The path of energy from the wind turbine to utilization.

The path of energy from the wind turbine to utilization.

ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® Uckermark

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The prototype of the ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® shows that networking individual components can completely replace fossil power plants.

The prototype of the ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® shows that networking individual components can completely replace fossil power plants.



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