Committed to people, nature and local projects
As a regionally rooted, independent energy company, ENERTRAG feels responsible for local people and nature. This is why the company supports sustainable projects at its locations, for example with donations.
ENERTRAG aims to work hand in hand with local communities and residents to implement compensatory and replacement measures that are necessary for the construction of wind turbines. The company often goes beyond the minimum legal requirements for measures that enhance the landscape and create ecological added value.
Last but not least, ENERTRAG works together with other companies to realise the energy transition. The energy company is a member of numerous associations and organisations and is thus also politically committed to the energy transition.
Where does ENERTRAG donate?
Commitment to local people
ENERTRAG is dedicated to regional development and the promotion of renewable energies. The company's commitment is deeply rooted in the local communities, as ENERTRAG not only strives for economic partnerships at each location, but also to awaken enthusiasm for renewable energies. This results in the ambition to enrich project development for green energy and heat through various projects and initiatives that pursue the goal of advancing people, nature and the energy transition together.
ENERTRAG is guided by the central question: How can we shape the energy transition locally in a participatory way?
ENERTRAG is always open to new ideas and suggestions for actions that make a concrete contribution to climate protection. The company's funding decisions are consistently based on its corporate values: Together. With passion. One energy ahead.
Examples of ENERTRAG's diverse commitment include the annual tree planting campaign in cooperation with the municipality of Uckerland and Werbelow primary school, the organisation of a cinema evening with the Uckermark Mobile Cinema and the sponsorship of local clubs and initiatives.
Tree planting
ENERTRAG sponsors the annual tree planting campaign organised by the municipality of Uckerland and Werbelow primary school. After starting school, each child in the first class receives their own fruit tree from the local nursery, Rosenhof Flemming. In the meantime, several years have ensured that the primary school meadow has become an orchard. At the same time, the children learn what can be done to protect the climate.
New kayaks
The Prenzlau sports club has received new kayaks from ENERTRAG. Clubs like PSV Prenzlau near Unterucker lake create important opportunities for participation for people of all ages through their commitment. We are pleased to promote and support these community structures.
Mobile cinema Uckermark
For cinema fans, the ‘Mobile Kino Uckermark’ is rolling up to the ENERTRAG site in Dauerthal in the open air. The film evening brings our employees together with the local community. And is a valuable cultural contribution to the region. The Multicultural Centre Templin organises the series of events every year under the motto: Experience the best films in the most beautiful places!

Catering base
The Prenzlauer Hügelmarathon is one of the biggest sporting events in the Uckermark. Participants can recharge their batteries with drinks and snacks at the ENERTRAG refreshment station. The event is aimed at a broad target group: everything is possible, from a 226-kilometre cycle marathon to a 33-kilometre family tour. Sport brings people together – which is why we are proud to support the marathon.
Indoor Cup organised by FSV Rot-Weiß Prenzlau e.V.
The Uckermark football club FSV Rot-Weiß Prenzlau e. V. organises an indoor cup every year – sponsored by ENERTRAG. A total of almost 70 children aged eight and nine take part in the tournament every year. In this way, we actively promote youth sport and support the work of sports clubs in our region.
You can visit ENERTRAG's main site in Dauerthal and the Uckermark combined cycle power plant! This is how we promote dialogue with local residents and acceptance. Every year we guide more than 500 guests through the plants, for example school classes or regional clubs. The ENERTRAG Verbundkraftwerk® generates electricity from wind and sun, green hydrogen and heat.

Commitment to nature and the landscape
The construction of renewable energy plants has an impact on nature and the landscape. However, these are protected by the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG). Anyone building a plant may only interfere with nature and the landscape to a minimum and only if it is unavoidable. Absolutely necessary interventions must be compensated for by compensatory and replacement measures or a replacement fee. European nature conservation legislation also stipulates that any significant impact on Natura 2000 areas and protected animal and plant species must be completely avoided. Natura 2000 is an initiative of the BfN to create an EU-wide protected area network ‘Natura 2000’ for endangered species and habitat types.
ENERTRAG already takes avoidance, compensation and replacement measures into account in the planning process for new wind energy and photovoltaic plants and their infrastructure. The responsible nature conservation authorities review and approve the planned measures before construction. ENERTRAG takes the legal requirements very seriously and always endeavours to avoid paying compensation. Instead, where possible, local measures are implemented that improve the landscape and offer genuine ecological added value, often beyond what is required. For ENERTRAG, climate protection and nature conservation belong together and should not be played off against each other.
ENERTRAG always endeavours to identify suitable avoidance, compensation and replacement measures together with the municipalities and local residents. This not only protects fauna and flora from damage and ecologically enhances the landscape, soil and water balance - it also ensures that exactly what is important to local people is implemented.
Political commitment
The success of the energy transition depends to a large extent on political decisions and the legal framework. This is why ENERTRAG is active in the relevant associations and contributes its practical knowledge to ongoing legislative processes and amendments. Together with experts, scientists and other companies, ENERTRAG employees develop approaches to jointly achieve climate and energy policy goals. Constructively and economically sensible.
ENERTRAG is involved in numerous bodies and expert committees, for example in Germany's largest energy industry association - the BDEW, the German Association of Energy and Water Industries – and in the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce. In the major trade associations, ENERTRAG demonstrates that renewable energies are increasingly assuming the main responsibility in the entire energy system. ENERTRAG is equally committed to contributing its expertise to its own industry association, the German Wind Energy Association (BWE) and its regional associations.
Because it is so important for ENERTRAG to look at the entire energy system, the energy company is also heavily involved in the work of the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) and the German Energy Agency (dena). Together with other companies, ENERTRAG has founded the ‘Alliance for Fair Competition in the Hydrogen Market’. The company is also an active member of the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV), where it campaigns for the production and marketing of green hydrogen.
At a national level, ENERTRAG supports political and legislative developments in a total of over 15 associations and initiatives and in over 70 committees and working groups. In addition to these industry associations, ENERTRAG supports the valuable scientific work of the Environmental Energy Law Foundation.