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Billing with ENERTRAG Powersystem  

The more complex the billing, the more prone it is to errors. Which operator and which generating facility receives how much from the feed-in compensation or from the electricity trader? Who receives what proportion of the refund for redispatches? Are all figures correct? The ENERTRAG software Powersystem supports professional billing with the help of intelligent workflows and plausibility checks. 

Smart workflow

Since Germany’s Green Electricity Privilege of 2011 and the Management Bonus Ordinance of 2012, electricity tariffs can change on a monthly basis. With the billing workflow in the power system, ENERTRAG has developed a module that checks billing for over 70 plausibility criteria. These are then used correctly for further calculations - a solid basis for billing.  

Digital watchdog 

The criteria include the following questions: Is the grid loss plausible? Does the measured production exceed what is technically possible? And: Have the tariffs changed?  

Only when all the figures are correct is the invoice released and transmitted to the accounting departments. If they are not correct or not in the correct order, the software reports this - this is the so-called digital watchdog function.  

Flexible alterations 

New billing requirements are added every year. In 2021, it was the PPA tariffs for plants that were continuing to operate but were no longer receiving subsidies under the German EEG. Some electricity traders have agreed tariffs that change every hour or even every quarter of an hour. No problem for the Powersystem billing feature: the ENERTRAG software obtains the quarter-hourly prices from the electricity exchange in real time and can therefore also check the plausibility of this dynamic pricing. 

Transparent feeds 

ENERTRAG Powersystem also manages the feed-in power and registers exactly which system is feeding in via which cable at which feed-in point. If required, the software can transfer the results to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or financial accounting via API.  

Technical resource operator in the planned value model 

Anyone who balances Redispatch 2.0 using the planned value model needs a technical resource operator to calculate the final reimbursements for billing based on the reconciliation procedure and to transfer them and the weather data to the transmission system operators. This is supplemented by real-time data in XML and IEC format for both Redispatch 2.0 and the European SOGL Directive. PowerSystem can provide these technical resource operator services.

Our good reasons for choosing Powersystem

  • Resilient: Lots of digital watchdogs check all billing and „bark” if there are any discrepancies. 
  • Fast: If the meters to which the invoice relates are remotely readable, the monthly invoice can be issued at the beginning of the following month. 
  • Correct: Workflow management ensures that all steps are carried out in the right sequence, plausible and nothing is overlooked. 
  • Audit-proof: Who changed which value on which invoice and why can be traced exactly at any time. 

At a glance 

  • Over 70 plausibility parameters 
  • Remote meter reading 
  • Approval process 
  • Technical resource operator for Redispatch 2.0 
  • Calculates both kWh and euros 
  • Supports PPA agreements 

Recording and slides of the webinar "More accurate and efficient: How apps and drone-based inspection methods are revolutionizing the wind industry


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