Technical management for ground-mounted PV parks  

Technical management of ground-mounted PV systems: securing yields and returns

The technical management of ground-mounted photovoltaic systems plays a decisive role in the profitability and long-term efficiency of your system. Optimised system availability and proactive maintenance are the only way to reliably achieve the planned yields and safeguard your investment. In this article, we answer the most important questions about technical management services and explain why they are essential for the success of your PV system.

What is the technical management of a ground-mounted PV system?

Technical operations management includes the monitoring, servicing and maintenance of photovoltaic systems to ensure smooth operation and maximum electricity production. In addition to continuous remote monitoring, this also includes regular on-site inspections and rapid troubleshooting.

Why is technical availability so important?

Alongside the duration of sunshine, technical availability is the most important factor for the economic viability of a ground-mounted PV system. The higher the availability, the more electricity can be generated and sold. Optimised operational management and targeted maintenance measures make a significant contribution to maximising availability and thus securing yields.

How does technical management contribute to the return on investment?

By professionally monitoring and maintaining the system, faults are quickly recognised and rectified before they have a major impact. This minimises yield losses and the system can be operated longer and more efficiently. This leads to a stable return for the plant operator.

Technical management services for photovoltaic systems

The following services are crucial for the technical management of a ground-mounted PV system:

1. remote monitoring: two control centres in Germany and France monitor your system around the clock and ensure rapid intervention in the event of deviations.
2. regular inspections and maintenance: Manufacturer-compliant maintenance extends the service life of components and we detect defects at an early stage.
3. rapid troubleshooting: Short response times safeguard your investment and reduce downtime.
4. technical reporting: Transparent reporting on all operating statuses and important key figures.
5. safety and access management: Creation of safety instructions and rules to ensure the safe operation of the system.
6. monitoring portal: Permanent access to all relevant system data via a powerful monitoring portal.

What are the advantages of professional technical management?

1. maximum system availability: permanent monitoring and proactive maintenance minimise downtime.
2. long service life of the system: Professional maintenance increases the service life of your system and protects your warranty claims.
3. predictable operating costs: regular inspections and maintenance help to avoid unexpected costs and improve the long-term calculation of operating costs.
4. maximum transparency: The monitoring portal gives you a complete overview of your system's performance at all times and allows you to react to deviations at an early stage.

How does technical operations management support compliance with legal requirements?

The operation of a photovoltaic system is subject to various legal requirements. Professional operational management ensures compliance with all regulatory requirements, including regular inspections and documentation. This not only ensures legally compliant operation, but also protects your guarantee and warranty claims.
What does the maintenance and care of a ground-mounted PV system involve?
In addition to technical operations management, maintenance is an essential part of ensuring the long-term functionality of the system.

This includes
- Routine maintenance: Regular maintenance work in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
- Spare parts management: Rapid availability and replacement of defective components.
- Periodic inspections: Compulsory inspections to ensure compliance with safety standards.
- Green maintenance: Maintenance of the site to avoid shading due to vegetation.

Conclusion: Invest in professional technical management

The technical management of a ground-mounted PV system is the key to long-term success and high returns. Regular maintenance, fast response times and comprehensive monitoring not only ensure the availability of your system, but also protect your investment. We offer you comprehensive solutions that are tailored to your individual requirements and ensure legally compliant and efficient plant operation.

Photovotaik-Park in Bagatelle / Frankreich

Technical Operations Management Photovoltaics 

  • Technical operational management including photovoltaic monitoring and reporting - on-site and digital, preventive and reactive  
  • Maintenance of the solar park through green and woody plant care and module cleaning  
  • Inspection and auditing of the construction phase and technical optimisation of existing systems (e.g. repowering) 

You have more questions? Please contact us.



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