Operations Management    

Operations Management by ENERTRAG means transparent reporting, ongoing yield optimisation and condition-based maintenance:  

Every minute, the ENERTRAG operations control centre monitors and evaluates the operating and condition data of the systems. 24 hours a day, seven days a week - as if the ENERTRAG experts were on site around the clock. Customers benefit from bundled expertise from other specialist departments, which creates the greatest possible synergies. The aim is to maximise the energy availability of the systems.   

ENERTRAG Operations Management is divided into three teams: Technical Operations Management Germany, Technical Operations Management International and Support. This ensures a holistic but also focussed view for customers. Thematic priorities can also be set which are transparent and comprehensible for everyone.  

Operations Management Services  

Plant data management comprises three modules:  

Module 1: Provision of operating data for generation units 

  • Provision of operating data in accordance with the Technical Guideline TR10 of the FGW (Fördergesellschaft Windenergie und andere Dezentrale Energien) from the SCADA system of the generating unit for checking the site quality after five, ten and fifteen years of operation, in each case with time stamp and time zone (10-minute data), among other things: 
  • Wind speed   
  • Electrical system power (active power)   
  • Wind direction 

Module 2: Customer access for reporting with PowerSystem 

Provision of a PowerSystem customer login for state-of-the-art reporting: 

  • Continuous TARGET/ACTUAL comparison in live mode  
  • Display of currently open processes and historical processes  
  • Access to report components for documented processes, production figures, availability analyses, yield loss calculations 

Module 3: Regular reporting 

  • Plausibility check of the key figures of a generation unit  
  • Preparation of monthly and annual performance reports based on the key figures with the following content:  
    • Production and feed-in overviews  
    • Availability analyses (technical and energy availability)  
    • Production outages (in terms of time and energy), broken down by originator and main assembly  
    • Performance curves and plan comparisons  
    • Wind analyses for wind turbines

The plant monitoring contains the following modules: 

Module 1: Remote Monitoring

  • Provision of a control room manned 24 hours a day / 7 days a week for continuous monitoring of the status of the generating unit  
  • Continuous online recording of the status of the generating unit based on the transmitted operating data  
  • Ensuring constant operational readiness  
  • Ensuring the implementation of maintenance measures via remote maintenance (around the clock) 

Module 2: Inspection Generating Unit exterior and interior  

  • Inspection of the outside and inside of the generating unit to determine and assess the current condition of the generating unit:  
    • Inspection of the access route, crane parking areas and access to the generating unit to check for interfering vegetation and cleanliness to ensure access to the generating unit    
    • Site inspection with visual inspection of the visual condition of the generating unit (incl. obstruction lighting, hub, blades and, if applicable, the transformer station) from the outside from the ground  
    • Site inspection with visual inspection of the visual condition of the generating unit (incl. nacelle and tower cellar if accessible) from the inside 

Module 3: Inspection of Generating Unit exterior   

  • Inspection of the generating unit (outside) to determine and assess the current condition:  
  • Inspection of the access route, crane positioning area and access to the generating unit to check for interfering vegetation and cleanliness  
  • Visual inspection of the visual condition of the generating unit including obstruction lighting and, if applicable, the transformer station  
  • Visual inspection of the tower cellar  

Module 4: Inspection of the transfer station at the grid connection point 

  • Inspection and recording of the actual condition, reporting with photo documentation and recommended action for any necessary maintenance measures  
  • Visual inspection of electrical equipment for defects and damage between the transfer interface to the grid connection provider in the transfer station and the switchgear of the generation unit  
  • Grid connection at medium-voltage level on the client side  
  • Transfer station  
  • Medium-voltage cabling  
  • Telecommunications connection and data transmission cabling 

Module 1: Maintenance Management for full maintenance contracts    

  • Planning, commissioning and monitoring of maintenance measures for paths, parking spaces, energy and communication cable networks of the project in the name and for the account of the respective operator  
  • Planning and commissioning of winter maintenance and lawn mowing on behalf of and for the account of the client, unless otherwise agreed     
  • Monitoring compliance with maintenance intervals for the generation units in accordance with the manufacturer's maintenance specifications 

 Module 2: Maintenance Management for Basic Maintenance Contracts 

  • All services of the "Maintenance management for full maintenance contracts" module  
  • Obtaining and evaluating offers from suitable specialist companies and informing you immediately  
  • Recommendations of maintenance measures for order approval by you 

Module 3: Maintenance Management for Transfer Station   

  • Ensuring that the necessary work, repairs and improvements are carried out at the transfer station  
  • Identification of execution defects with written reporting 

Module 4: Deadline Management  

  • Planning, commissioning and monitoring the timely inspection of safety components (ladder, cable winch, rescue equipment, ascent aid, fire extinguisher, PPE, etc.)  
  • Analysing test reports, compiling lists of defects and submitting defect reports or initiating the necessary measures  
  • Monitoring and documentation of compliance with the operational requirements of the BImSchG licence and transmission of the data to the responsible authorities in standard data format (SCADA or PowerSystem)  
  • Initiation and organisation of measures to implement the operational requirements from the BImSchG permit 

Modul 5: Insurance Management 

  • Recording, reporting, processing and settlement of insurance claims on your behalf  
  • Claims documentation  
  • Loss of earnings calculations for business interruptions 

Modul 6: Claim-Management 

  • Monitoring, checking, calculating and supporting you in asserting any claims arising from guarantees from the supplier and the maintenance company of the generating unit  
  • Asserting warranty claims against the suppliers of the generating units, project infrastructure, etc. by analysing the inspection reports, drawing up lists of defects and submitting the notification of defects  
  • Tracking the rectification of defects 

The occupational health and safety service is made up of the following modules: 

Module 1: Emergency Coordination 

  • Provision of a hotline available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week for health and safety issues 
  • In the event of an emergency / accident, we help with : 
  • Coordination of compliance with health and safety regulations and the operator's emergency plan    
  • Initiation of immediate safety measures following an accident as soon as it becomes known  
  • Notification of the departments specified in the emergency plan  
  • Further coordination of the process up to the recommissioning of the generating units  
  • Transmission of information to you  
  • Documentation 

Module 2: Plant Manager  

  • Position of a person responsible for the installation in accordance with DIN VDE 0105-100 (VDE 0105-100):2015-10 for the activities carried out by our personnel  
  • If activities are carried out by third parties, we ensure that a person responsible for the system is appointed for the period of these activities 



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