Ramin wind project

ENERTRAG has been operating a wind field north-east of Ramin for several years, for which a separate approval procedure with public participation is being carried out. The following pages are intended to provide transparent information in this context.

In addition to the environmentally friendly construction and operation of 6 powerful wind turbines, the main focus is on the participation of local citizens and communities and thus on an important project in the concrete implementation of the energy transition in the Vorpommern region.

The 6 planned wind turbines produce more than 84,000,000 kWh of clean electricity per year and can therefore supply around 28,000 households with green energy, assuming an average electricity consumption of 3,000 kWh per household per year. The electricity produced can also save almost 40,000 tons of CO2 annually.

ENERTRAG is thus acting for a clean and secure future for the benefit of the people in the country and future generations on the basis of 100% renewable energies.

Application documents officially submitted and official participation started


Further information events are being planned


In November, after a long period of planning and intensive coordination with the approval authority, the application documents for the approval application in accordance with the Federal Immission Control Act for the wind turbines in the municipality of Ramin were submitted. In December, the State Office for Agriculture and the Environment began involving the authorities.

ENERTRAG plans to hold further information events on site to provide information on the current status and the next steps in the approval process. Unfortunately, no public events can be held due to the current situation. However, if you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

You can reach us on the free hotline

0800 39 200 30

(Mon - Fri from 8.00 - 12.00 and 13.30 - 15.30).

In particular, we wish you good health for the difficult times ahead!

The Ramin wind field is located in the southern part of the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald in an area previously used intensively for agriculture, surrounded by the Linkener Heide. The project area is located in the district of Bismark, north of Grambow, south-east of Gellin and Bismark, north-east of Ramin, east of Schmagerow and the Ramin solar power plant, and north-west of Neu Grambow.

The Ramin wind suitability area is suitable for the erection of wind turbines in accordance with the standard state criteria of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and is therefore designated as a suitability area in the draft for the partial update of the Vorpommern regional plan with the area number 46/2015. The area is also very suitable for the planned project for several other reasons. These include

Good wind conditions for efficient wind energy use

Good accessibility thanks to the direct connection to the B111 and B104 highways and the proximity to the A20 and A11 freeways

Increased distances to settlements in accordance with applicable legal requirements

Suitable location in terms of noise and shadow impact emissions

Blends in with nature and the landscape thanks to its woodland surroundings, which also guarantee partial visual protection

In addition to the Ramin solar power plant, take on a pioneering role in the region and master a piece of the energy transition

Area no. 46/2015 has a total size of around 42 hectares, although only a few hectares are actually to be used for development. The construction and operation of 6 wind turbines are currently planned as part of the project applied for. All wind turbines are being planned by ENERTRAG and will also be built and operated by the company at a later stage.

In March 2019, an application for approval was submitted for the project for 6 WTGs in accordance with Section 4 of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). As part of the approval process, all documents will be put on public display to give residents, associations and authorities the opportunity to find out about the plans and make comments.

The construction and operation of 6 wind turbines of the GE 5.5-158 turbine generation are currently planned for the Ramin wind project.

The GE 5.5-158 wind turbines have a rotor radius of around 79 m and an installed rated output of 5.5 megawatts. The hub height of the turbine is approx. 161 m and the total height is therefore approx. 240 m.

The GE 5.5-158 is a high-yield turbine for locations with medium wind conditions away from the direct coastline. Compared to previous models, the turbine has an enlarged swept rotor area of approx. 19,000 square meters, which allows the turbine to adapt optimally to both the individual site specifications and the local wind conditions. The larger rotor can capture more wind, generating more energy and thus reducing electricity generation costs. The GE 5.5-158 also ensures that the highest possible energy yield is generated hand in hand with applicable noise protection requirements. The switch-on speed is 3 m/s and the switch-off speed is 25 m/s.

The Cypress platform, which includes the 5.5-158, is driven by a revolutionary two-part blade design. This allows the blades to be assembled on site, reducing both equipment and roadwork costs, as well as the impact of overlength transportation during construction.

Forms of participation

Participation takes many forms. ENERTRAG has always stood for broad and multi-layered participation by citizens and local authorities. In addition to informal participation within the planning process, it is of course also about economic participation. To this end, ENERTRAG has been supporting a large number of community energy companies for years. However, regional companies such as municipal utilities are also involved in the operation of the projects.

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the legislator has gone one step further and regulated the economic participation of citizens and municipalities by law.

Citizen and municipal participation law

The Citizen and Municipal Participation Act came into force on May 28, 2016. The basic idea of the law is to oblige project sponsors. They are to establish a limited liability company for new wind farms and then offer shares of at least 20 percent in this company to their immediate neighbors for participation. Each share may cost a maximum of 500 euros.

There are several ways to participate. Resident and neighboring communities can acquire shares in the project company that operates the future wind field. Alternatively, the project sponsor can offer an annual compensatory levy for the municipalities or other individually tailored forms of participation can be found for the municipalities. The decision on possible alternatives to direct participation in the project company is made by the municipality.

In addition, the project sponsors are free to offer citizens a savings product instead of shares. This reduces the risk for private investors. With the direct acquisition of shares in the project company, they would bear not only the profits but also the losses of a project within the scope of the respective investment. One way to participate in the earnings of the wind field with less risk is a savings product. In this case, the project company could transfer profits of 10 percent to a bank. Neighbors within a five-kilometer radius can set up savings bonds or fixed-term deposits with this bank, for example. The interest on the invested money is paid with the profit from the wind field.