Hydrogen rail Heidekrautbahn

Green hydrogen drives us.

In future, the Heidekrautbahn (RB27) is to be powered by regionally produced green hydrogen from renewable wind and solar energy – this is the vision of our pioneering pilot project for emission-free rail transport.

The district of Barnim adopted its zero-emissions strategy in 2008, the key elements of which include the use of renewable energies and CO₂-free mobility at local and regional level.

Hydrogen and fuel cell technology has a key role to play due to the existing renewable energy supply in the Brandenburg region. The district of Barnim has identified several projects in local passenger and commercial transport that could be converted to hydrogen or fuel cell technology in the near future – including the Heidekrautbahn (RB27), which is operated by Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn. 


Together with partners from industry and science, we are pursuing the visionary goal of bringing hydrogen technology to local passenger transport by rail. We want to make CO₂-free mobility in rail transport a reality for the first time in the state of Brandenburg by 2024.

Project profile
Oberhavel (near Oranienburg)
Performance class: 
4 MW
H2 quantities: 
380 t/a (230 t/a an NEB, 150 t/a open)  
Supply concept: 
Trailer (up to 380 bar)
"Green hydrogen is the key to a successful energy transition. In the future, more and more areas of our society will be supplied with renewable energy. The mobility sector is a key sector here - and rail transport in particular has an urgent need to catch up. I am confident that this project will have a strong signalling effect, as only 50 percent of the rail network in Germany is electrified. Green hydrogen is the perfect fuel here."

Jörg Müller

Founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board ENERTRAG SE

Advantages of using hydrogen

Sustainable regional energy generation
  • CO₂-free hydrogen supports the decarbonisation of a wide range of applications in industry and mobility.
  • Noticeable reduction in CO₂ emissions
  • Implementing the energy transition and benefiting sustainably
Zero-emission rail transport
  • Green hydrogen enables completely emission-free rail transport on the Heidekrautbahn across the entire value chain.
  • And what's left over? The only by-product is water.
Better quality of life
  • Operating hydrogen-powered vehicles reduces noise and particulate pollution and avoids CO2 emissions in regional transport.
  • Around 2,500 tonnes of CO2 and 840,000 litres of diesel can be saved each year.
Transport and energy transition
  • The development of a regional hydrogen infrastructure promotes the transport and energy transition in equal measure.
  • The hydrogen trains increase the attractiveness of regional rail transport for commuter traffic and tourism and support the expansion of environmentally friendly green mobility in the region.
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As an independent energy company, ENERTRAG generates electricity and heat exclusively from renewable sources and supplies secure, affordable renewable energy for all areas of life. With over 30 years of experience, ENERTRAG combines all the expertise required for successful operation and efficient maintenance, for citizen-centered planning, reliable construction of energy plants and grids through to complete integrated power plants. 


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