Ramelsloh wind project

ENERTRAG SE is planning the construction and operation of a 4 MW class wind turbine in Ramelsloh in the municipality of Seevetal. The planned and approved turbine is a VESTAS V150 with an output of 4.2 MW and a hub height of 125 meters.

The exact location for the construction of the wind turbine is on the eastern side along the Ohlendorfer Weg within the VRG SE_03 Ramelsloh wind priority area. Construction is expected to start in the fall of 2023 and the turbine is scheduled to be erected and commissioned in early 2024.

Who we are

ENERTRAG provides all services related to renewable energies. We efficiently combine electricity, heat and mobility in all areas of life. As an energy producer with an annual production of 1.38 million MWh in our portfolio, 772 installed turbines and a "PowerSystem" service network with 1072 monitored wind turbines, we know from our own experience what is important to our customers.

With over two decades of experience in Europe, our 780 employees combine all the skills required for successful operation and efficient maintenance, citizen-oriented planning, reliable construction of energy plants and grids through to complete integrated power plants. We are always one energy ahead - be it in sector coupling, participation models or demand-oriented night-time marking.


Approval granted by the BImSch G


After a two-and-a-half-year approval procedure, the BImSch permit for the construction of a V150-4.2 MW wind turbine with a hub height of 125 m, a total height of 200 m and a rotor diameter of 150 m from the manufacturer Vestas was granted on 20.12.2021.


Image: Site plan of the Ramelsloh wind project

The project team is looking forward to the next steps and preparations as well as continued good cooperation with the local community. Once all planning has been completed, the construction phase will begin in fall 2023, with commissioning expected in early 2024.

The development of a site is of essential importance, as the realization of the project is not possible without secure access.

First of all, it is also important to differentiate between development and construction traffic. The former relates to traffic for the ongoing operation of the wind turbine (fire department, maintenance vehicles, police, etc.). This traffic to the wind turbine must be adequately secured for the entire service life of the turbine. The latter concerns traffic for the construction of the wind turbine, which includes construction site traffic (concrete mixers, trucks) as well as sword transports for the delivery of the turbine components. This only needs to be secured at certain points and is irrelevant for the development.

Access traffic is carried out via the publicly dedicated road network of the municipality of Seevetal. The plant site can be accessed directly via Ohlendorfer Weg.

Some of the construction traffic and construction site traffic will take place via Buchwedelweg and delivery of the components is planned via the Seevetal-Ost highway service area due to the oversized size of the heavy goods vehicles.


The planning and development of wind projects are time-consuming and require a great deal of commitment and perseverance. On average, the development of a wind energy project takes around 7 years. The following key phases can be identified:

Land acquisition: from 2017 until today

Approval planning: from February 2019 to December 2021 (receipt of BImSch approval)

Construction phase Construction of the wind turbines and laying of the cable route: expected to take 6 months from fall 2023

Operation: 20 years by ENERTRAG

The entire construction phase is expected to take 6 months. Various factors such as weather conditions can have a negative impact on the processes and delay the project considerably. The construction phase is divided into various sections:

Construction preparation: tree care, approx. 1 week

Road construction: Temporary development of the paths for construction traffic, approx. 2/3 weeks

Foundation work: excavation, concrete pouring and curing, approx. 4 weeks

Installation: Erection and commissioning of the system. Approx. 2 weeks.

The cable route is laid at the same time.

The system will go into operation in compliance with emission regulations and will not exceed a maximum sound power level of 106.6db(A) at full load. At night (22h-6h) the plant will be operated in noise-reduced mode. The maximum sound power level will not exceed 105.1dB(A).

The construction of a wind turbine must always be considered as an intervention in nature and the landscape. The Federal Nature Conservation Act ensures that these interventions are compensated for by the implementation of compensation and replacement measures, which is known as the compensation obligation.

In close coordination with the UNB, ENERTRAG will implement 2 compensation measures in Ramelsloh.

The first compensatory measure concerns the creation of lark boxes. Due to the lack of suitable breeding sites for the skylark, this species has been considered particularly endangered since the 1980s. Intensively used arable land offers fewer and fewer free landing places for the skylark and the densely planted cereals are not suitable for sufficient insect food. By creating skylark windows, areas are created where the skylark can find landing and breeding sites as well as sufficient food. Specifically, skylark windows are deliberately created gaps in agricultural land. The 20 square meter windows are mainly created in cereal fields or rapeseed fields of at least 5 hectares. Two lark windows per hectare are sufficient for the animals and the crop loss remains minimal.

A shrub hedge will be planted to compensate for the adverse effects on the ecosystem caused by construction and planting. To compensate for the removal of trees and shrubs over a length of 9 m, an equivalent bitotope of the type "shrub hedge" will be planted elsewhere. The measure will be carried out as a 3-row planting of shrubs from native, site-appropriate species of regional origin. (e.g. hawthorn, blackthorn, hazel, Pfaffenhut etc.).
